Lyreco Showroom and Meeting Space

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This revolutionary new showroom features two informal break-out meeting areas, as well as a more formal conference room with a media wall and large central table. Each meeting area has its own bespoke features, including drinks stations, faux planting and even a green wall to bring softness to this industrial scheme.


These meeting areas also serve to showcase new furniture products available from Lyreco. Feature lighting has been used to help zone these spaces as separate entities from the main showroom, and a green neon light proudly displays Lyreco’s motto. Painted colour blocking details to the walls and display units pull through their recognisable brand colours. The spacious, brightly lit showroom area houses new industrial-inspired display units with concrete effect finishes and metal key clamp detailing to display Lyrecos products at varying heights.

before and after of meeting room at lyreco before and after of meeting room at lyreco
Lyreco showroom meeting space with mannequins and ppe
Lyreco showroom meeting space with mannequins and ppe
Lyreco show room mannequins
Lyreco show room mannequins
Lyreco show room mannequins
Lyreco show room mannequins
lyreco work safe feel safe
lyreco work safe feel safe
lyreco work safe feel safe
lyreco display unit
lyreco display unit
lyreco display unit
Lyreco display unit
lyreco seating area
lyreco seating area
lyreco seating area
lyreco meeting room
lyreco meeting room
lyreco meeting room
lyreco meeting room

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