The scheme provides unique opportunities for businesses that contribute towards their success. Most importantly, it impacts and influences decisions in the local, regional and national economic agenda and we are looking forward to being part of lobbying work to improve the Doncaster borough and beyond.
We want to say thank you to the Chamber for giving us a very warm welcome and hello to all the other Patrons - we can't wait to meet you at the next Chamber event on the 26th July.
Our key intention with joining is to align our values with activities that reflect our businesses purpose and culture. We want to be more involved in the local community and will seek to support through donations, fundraising, volunteering, skilled volunteering and gifting of any item or service.
We also want to raise the profile of our business locally and talk to like minded businesses about working together or sharing knowledge that can help improve business performance.
In return for our support we have a tangible way of measuring our teams success and CSR activities. It will help us form stronger partnerships with the community and lift community spirit which is something we would be so proud of.